
Re: Naming a display dialog title?

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  • Subject: Re: Naming a display dialog title?
  • From: Jay Louvion <email@hidden>
  • Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2006 16:34:38 +0200
  • Thread-topic: Naming a display dialog title?
  1. Has updated its 24U Appearance OSAX — an AppleScript scripting addition. It gives AppleScript features for communicating with users.
  2. 24U Appearance OSAX 2.0 Locator 0.7.2 MacReporter 1.1.1 Three Periodic Table Programs pop-pop 1.01 Tinderbox 1.1.3 Extras Cartoon: Hambone Cartoon: Cortland.
  3. 24U Appearance OSAX extends the AppleScript functions of communication with a user by a few very easy-to-use commands to post notifications, display enhanced Appearance alerts, floating message.
  4. 24U Appearance OSAX. 24U Software announces the version 4.0.1 of 24U Appearance OSAX. The scripting addition for Mac users allows AppleScript script writers to interact with users via dialogs, notifications, alerts, progress indicators, and floating messages without the need to use a complex development tool, such as Xcode.

24u Appearance Osax Plus

Re: Naming a display dialog title?

24U Appearance OSAX allows AppleScript to communicate with user in many more ways than those offered by basic installation. While preserving maximum easiness of use, 24U Appearance OSAX extends AppleScipt. Main features: - Dialog boxes for user data.

AppearanceOn 7.7.2006 3:07, entity 'Brett Conlon' <email@hidden> spake thus:
> Hi all,
> With standard AppleScript, is it possible to name the display dialog title
> bar?
> While I'm at it ;-} other than setting the dialog wording, a max of 3
> button names and icons from 0 to 2 are there any other functions possible?
> Is the width always fixed? As far as I tested, the depth can be as deep as
> you need (or as deep as your screen reveals).
> Cheers,
> Coj
My honest answer would be never forget to check out the AS dictionnaries (accessible from the Script Editor’s File menu), in this case “Standard Additions” that offers quite a bit of info such as the answer to your first question:

24u Appearance Osax -

display dialogv : Display a dialog box, optionally requesting user input
display dialog string : the text to display in the dialog box
[default answer string] : the default editable text
[hidden answer boolean] : Should editable text be displayed as bullets? (default is false)
[buttons list of string] : a list of up to three button names
[default button number or string] : the name or number of the default button
[cancel button number or string] : the name or number of the cancel button
--> [with title string] : the dialog window title
[with icon number or string] : the resource name or ID of the icon to display…
[with icon stop/note/caution] : …or one of these system icons…
[with icon file] : …or an alias or file reference to a ‘.icns’ file
[giving up after integer] : number of seconds to wait before automatically dismissing the dialog
dialog reply : a record containing the button clicked and text entered (if any)
24U Appearance OSAX
As for buttons go, no, only three max. The icons, though can be set by specifying the path to an .icns file (if you bundle your script/app, you can even set the icns file inside your script/app and refer to it that way.)
I think the width is fixed, but someone with more experience should be answering that. The depth is according to your input. By adding “& return ” ’s to the text you wish to display you can make the window higher and stay empty.
If you want something really great to play with and make some great dialogs (and progress bars, why the h**l hasn’t Apple put that in the Standard Additions boggles me), get yourself 24U Appearance Osax – a great buy.
Jay Louvion
Studio Casagrande
3, rue Müller-Brun
1208 Geneva
T+4122 840 3272
F+4122 840 3271
PPlease consider the environment before printing this email.

24u Appearance Osax Full

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