
CoMa X (Voice / Fax / Pro) 8.7 for macOS. Answering Machine, Voice- & Fax-On-Demand-System, Send & Receive Faxes, Terminal with internal Send & Receive Z-Modem. Coma is a state of unarousable unconsciousness due to dysfunction of the brain's ascending reticular activating system (ARAS), which is responsible for arousal and the maintenance of wakefulness. Anatomically and physiologically the ARAS has a redundancy of pathways. 2 days ago  A big Thank You to Desert Fox for reaching out to us and offering us a chance to check out their point and click horror Bad Dream: Coma before its April 20 th release on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S! Bad Dream: Coma takes players to a nightmarish world where there’s no chance to wake up. In a strange world full of disturbing imagery, puzzles, a unique story, and interesting characters you.

Learn about this topic in these articles:

defect of optical systems

  • In optics: Coma

    The S2 term in the OPD expression represents the aberration called coma, in which the image of a point has the appearance of a comet. The x′ and y′ components are as follows:

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Coma X Purple.punch 2017

occurrence in photographic lenses


  • In aberration

    Coma, so called because a point image is blurred into a comet shape, is produced when rays from an off-axis object point are imaged by different zones of the lens. In spherical aberration, the images of an on-axis object point that fall on a plane…

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  • In technology of photography: Aberrations

    Another aberration, called coma, makes image points near the edges of the film appear as irregular, unsharp shapes. Distortion is present when straight lines running parallel with the picture edges appear to bow outward (barrel distortion) or inward (pincushion distortion).

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